Monday, December 17, 2007

Buffalo Wild Wings

Hi Friends! It's Liz. I don't get why Jenny and I are not important enough to have our own posts, but whatever prudes.

My last pic for TND will be Buffalo Wild Wings at 6:30pm. B dubs is awesome, and Tuesday's wing night so there are deals. They have meat free and bone free foods too. It's not just wings.

This location is so new that it's not on their website, but heres for the menu.

1986 Middle Country Rd
Centereach, New York 11720

Coming from the west its on the right side. It's where El Dorado used to be. See you at 6:30!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Smokin Al's

It's my final pick! Some awesome looking barbecue, thanks to Danielle.

Monday, December 03, 2007


(C)Hanukkah Night Dinner

Hey guys, I know it was Lingo's pick this week, but Hanukkah night only comes 8 times a year!  Come to my house tomorrow night at 645 for some Potato pancakes and veggies for a tru jew experience.  Give me a call/txt me/IM me and let me know if your coming.  Obviously you are all welcome to stay after and hang out... (Nazi's need not apply)

My hizzy

Monday, November 26, 2007

I still want to go here!

(I basically just copied the post from when we were supposed to go here)

The name of the restaurant is Gallo Tropical of Patchogue... located in Patchogue (go figure).

Here is the website

I would def check out the link. They have an excellent menu, a little family history and the dining room looks really fun.

I goin out on a limb and I'm gonna say this is gonna be the pick of the month.

Heres the address: 3 East Main Street, Patchogue, NY 11772

See ya,
Mr. L

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hey guys... it's jenny (still not important enough to make my own posts). My pick for this week is a restaurant called Cafe Joelle. I keep hearing great things about it and I've wanted to try it for awhile so I'm very excited. Tuesday night is pasta night for $13.95 ... and it looks like theres a lot to choose from.
I really hope everyone comes this week because last week was kinda sad...

Heres the address:
Cafe Joelle
25 Main Street
Sayville, NY 11782


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Update: Grill Room is still an option

Last tuesday we wound up at Bruno's... They had bacon cheeseburgers.  I was happy.  However ive heard really good things about the Grill Room.  Although I am not one of the original members of TND I stand true to the belief that TND is to find restaurants that are nice and akin to NBC reruns in 1999.  (if you haven't been there, then its new to you new to you.)  So lets do it guys!  Lets not wait 8 years to find our new Seinfeld, lets find it now!  Cause Bruno's is good, but Seinfeld is better.  Let TND become must eat TV (mmm tv dinner)

Kraft Cheese and Chacharoni

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Grill Room

Hey guys, ok this place has gotten a lot of good reviews online. and apparently they make a mean burger, which means its gonna be great. here's their website:

Dress nice cuase it might be nicer than taco bell, but really im just reminding myself to put on pants

Traveling West On 347

347 until it merges into Vets Highway westbound. Two traffic lights past court buildings . Make left onto Old Willets Path(Citibank on corner) take South until you cannot go any further. Make right onto Motor Parkway, go 4 traffic lights. Make right onto Adams Avenue.

and there you have it

Someone try to get back to me with the number of people attending, im gonna try to make a reservation just in case

Trendy Chach

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Gallo Tropical is POSTPONED!!! Dinner tonight (11/6) will be at Gino's Pizza on Portion Rd.

A near fatal shot was almost taken tonight.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Kickin' off November

Here we go. With a few scheduling problems this week will by my pick, and it looks like a good one. The name of the restaurant is Gallo Tropical of Patchogue... located in Patchogue (go figure).

Here is the website

I would def check out the link. They have an excellent menu, a little family history and the dining room looks really fun.

I goin out on a limb and I'm gonna say this is gonna be the pick of the month.

Heres the address: 3 East Main Street, Patchogue, NY 11772

See ya,
Mr. L

Monday, October 29, 2007

There is no way in hell that I am Dressing Up for dinner

In case you did not read the title of the blog, let me take a moment to clarify...There is no way in hell that I am dressing up for dinner.

In fact, if i have to eat with the Wolverine, Subzero and a ladybug (as cute and lovable as she may be) i might just have to go home.

That being said i would like to go to dinner at Gianna's Pizzeria

The address is 374 Mononey Pond Road, Farmingville NY (between college road & blue point road)

my parents get their pizza there and the menu was out and it looks really good, they have paninis and wraps and pastas and stuff. My parents also said it was sorta small but that they could stick tables together.

also it is right by my house, so jenny can come over after and we can plan our birthday extravaganza....and if anyone dresses up (dave cough cough) i can pretty much run home.

see you kids there!!

ps. i appologize to anyone that had a deep need to eat in halloween gear...if you are offended than maybe this weekend we can have one of daves wine tasting parties and dress up in the privacy in one of our homes.....maybe we can even get sang to borrow his dad's scooby-do nightgown for the occassion......because life basically comes down to "what would scooby do?"

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

California Pizza

In honor of the state with the biggest latino population I have decided to go to the California Pizza Kitchen by the mall and then rake the leaves on my front lawn. All 7 of us should take 1 small car to further celebrate.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Starving for Ideas?

If you a TNDer indeed so some super delicious idea for restaurants to visit I recommend we use this site.

It has a lot of restaurants on Long Island, and can be sorted by county or town, and also by what type of food you're looking for (Italian, Indian, Chinese, etc). It also gives and idea to the cost of the restaurant and sometimes a viewable menu.

It is the website of my secretary's daughter's fiance. I already used it to help me think of the BrickHouse. And from what I hear sometimes you can find coupons on that site for a restaurant. Sounds good to me.

TNDingly yours,

Monday, October 15, 2007


North Ocean Avenue. Cya there.

Monday, October 08, 2007


Fall is upon us but the weather would tell us otherwise. However, I am telling you that TND this week will be held at the BrickHouse Brewery in Patchogue. I do not know why they leave out the space between the word Brick and the word House but who am I to judge.

Anyway, they have a menu and all that at their website @

See ya there!

PS this is my pick sukkas!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Ying and the Yang

Yin and yang are generalizations of the antithesis or mutual correlation between certain objects or phenomena in the natural world, combining to create a unity of opposites. It is also however Liz's restaurant pick for this upcoming Tuesday Night Dinner.

Yin & Yang Restaurant, 2548 Nesconset Hwy(347), Stony Brook (631-689-2222)
I know it is on the north side of 347 but that is about it.

So come one come all to the correlation of phenomena that is TND tomorrow night!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Lotus East

Hi guys this is Jenny on Chachs name (i dont have a blog name thingy yet) My pick will be Lotus East located on 25A in St. James. I've been there before and it's really yummy. It's a chinese food place, but it's not a buffet... it's kinda fancy (as fancy as a chinese food place could be). I called to see how the prices were and they weren't bad. See you then!

Some additional INfo:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tennessee Jack's

My choice for this week will be Tennessee Jack's BBQ. If u so choose, you may take the Armagedon Challenge eating all 8 super hot wings in 20 minutes can earn you a FREE tshirt and free stuff is awsome. It is Bluesday Tuesday so there will be live blues music playing for our enjoyment as well. I give credit to Agunzo for telling me about this place, and if it sucks i blame Agunzo for telling me about this place.

148 Carlton Ave, East Islip



Saturday, September 08, 2007

One Year Anniversary!!!

That's right, this will be the One Year Anniversary of TND this Tuesday. 52 consecutive weeks have gone by where friends come together to gorge themselves. We have had many people move way, many new members, and numerous cameos... but there is the myriad of memories as well.

A group concensious has been made to hold this joyous event at Mama Lombardi's in Holbrook, near Seneca. Our meeting time will be the usual 6:30.

All are welcome, and spread the word. From everyone at TND we hope to see you there.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Mama Angelina's

Ok friends here is the dizzle for tonight...

since i was camping on sunday i missed my weekly gravy fix & then i was talking to lingo and he said he was in the mood for "meat and sauce" so im picking mama angelina'sn ( it was either that or dinner @ the bunk house for ling's meat and sauce fix)

anyways i never had dinner there but there is a full dinner menu...and the pizza is really freaking is on Vets highway going west in the Waldbaums shopping is the address so you folks can google map it like im sure you all are going to do...

1251 Veterans HighwayHauppauge, NY 11788

k, see you there at like 6:30.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Ihop you skip

Since Pincess Di Lamagna won't let me pick TBell for dinner we shall be going to the IHOP by circuit city and the mall this week. 6:30 start time...I'm pretty sure no matter what time we get there we're going to have to wait. There seems to be a steady steam of elderly, white trash, and elderly white trash going in and out of that place...Looks like the place for Agunzo to find a husband.

P.S. I think we have coups, Agunzo is in charge. Shotty free something.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Probable Pickers

So everyone is clear the order of restaurant pickers for the following weeks. Today's TND is the 49th consecutive, which will also bring up the discussion of what should we do for our year anniversary.

Sang would have next pick (50), followed by Chach (51) and then Jenny should be next.
(This order should stand unless there are any new guest picks and/or absences.)

How or who should pick for week 52? Any thoughts? Should it be treated special?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Oh Pinchy

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Merry is back in town for a few days, and she will be picking this weeks TND.
It is possibly the last chain restaurant we have yet to visit, and that restaurant is: Red Lobster. The one off the expressway by Smokey Bones.

Liz has fallen nicely into taking over the responsibilities of telling everyone what they owe, which formerly was Tony's job.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ole Ole Ole

Mr. Lingo has chosen Ole Grill on portion road in the blockbuster shopping center as tonights pick.

See yaaaaaaaaa

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

T's last TND (for now)

My apologies for the lateness of the post but its a hectic time for me (and I drank too much last night). With out further ado, tonight's TND is Salsa Salsa in Smithtown on Rt. 111.

Where the hell are we going

So, where the hell are we going, if i may ask again. Also, why the hell can't I post with my gmail account, it makes me log in with my optonline one. This thing is a pain in the ass and I hate it.
Go to hell

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Carraba's Italian Grill

Tonight's TND is at Carraba's Italian Grill next to Famous Dave's on 347.
Their website.

Map of location.

6:30 be there or be rhombus.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Gyros and Pitas and Spinich OH MY!

Hello Friends... I returned from my mini-vacation to find out that i get this week's pick. Thrilling. So what does a girl do when she finds this out? she checks her list. that's right friends, when i see a place and i think "hey, that'd be a good TND" i write it down...basically i'm set for my next 6 picks...jealous? no? you will be when it's your turn and we are eating at taco bell.

anyways, i pick the greek place near Irish Times in Holbrook. I think it's called Greek Islands, but not too sure. So you will see it, it looks pretty big with huge blue letters. See you at 6:30ish.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mom's Kitchen

By a turn of fate it is my turn to pick this week's TND. Turn of fate being that Agunzo is out of town and Lingo cannot make it because of work. I was not quite prepared to make such an important decision but here it is. My choice is Mama Cucina's. This small Italian restaurant is located in the blockbuster shopping center on Portion Rd. across from Walbaum's. It is on the east side of the shopping center the last place.

So there it is and we shall see you there!

PS this is pick double four. That's right! 44 consecutive weeks! All hail TND!

Friday, July 13, 2007


The name of the buffet attended last Tuesday is actually the Dynasty Buffet


Monday, July 09, 2007

It's Liz's pick so that means...

Yes yes it's time for another Chinese buffet, and our empty stomach say "bring it on! and refill the General Tsao!"

That's right this the hoard moves to Sunny Buffet (we think). Basically, go to the Patchogue BestBuy. Take Patchogue-Holbrook Rd, make a right at the Burger King, into Independance Plaza. It's in the shopping center with KayBee Toys, Okey Dokey, Best Buy, Bob's etc.

Last weeks Howard's was delicious. Once again it proves to be a fantastic location and a great portal into Patchogue. The waitress just kept refilling the sangria, it was wonderful. If you are looking for a delicious burger, salad and bottomless booze for 13 bucks with tip Howard's is the place!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Special Update

This week's pick will be at Howard's in Patchogue. Due to the holiday on the 4th this will be a bi-week (no one's pick).

This TND will also be at 5:30pm. Earlier than usual so take note.

Howard's is right on the southside of sunrise off of patchogue-holbrook. Call Dave or Tony for details.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Heey everyone! TND is this tuesday!

This pick belongs to Jenny and she picked "the steamroom", the address is 4 East BroadwayPort Jefferson, NY 11777 and heres the website

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

TND is the way to be

my pick for this week will be Hoshi Sushi of Stoney Brook... its located @ 1320 Stony Brook Rd . or if u know where the Ralph's is in stony brook, its about two or three doors down. I hear that you theres a back room that u have to take off ur shoes n sit at a short table. I am calling to confirm this, however everyone should clean their feet accordingly!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Now announcing: 6/11/07

As Chach and Liz celebrate TND in the caribbean somewhere the left over Long Islanders will be attending Uno Chicago Grill (aka Pizzeria Uno). This will officially be labeled as pick by my ex-clone, the one the only the babyface without his beard thing.. Mills.
This establishment is located on the south side of 25 across from the mall. The time for this event is of course 6:45pm and we are expecting a sorted turn out. So come one come all!

For those of you home for the summer make it a tradition!

See you all then!

Physical Street Address for Uno: 2950 Middle Country Road, Nesconset, NY 11767

Monday, June 04, 2007

Apparently they do more than just landscaping...

This week's pick shall be Maria's, a spanish restaurant in Nesconset. My parents love the joint and I have been there and can attest to the food quality. Last time I had some spicy shrimp thing that was delicious and $15. Like the last spanish place they also have combo platters where you can get a taco, enchellladaaah and chimichongas on the same well as chips AND bread to enjoy pre meal.

Its location is next to the Ralph's in Nesconset on Smithtown Blvd, also know as portion road, horse cock road or terry rd. Make a left from Old Nichols and if heading north or make a right if heading south. Me and my crew, will be there around 6:35.

On a side note, thanks to all those who went to Farmingdale on Friday, I'm told they usually have more than 20 people in the bar, but hey it was fun and Dave had some gravy.

P.S. feel free to take plates and silverware, seeing as we pay for the cook's healthcare....ohhhh!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

TND ideas

Newsday was nice enough to help out anyone who is trying to figure out where they will pick for TND. They have published a list of all the restaurants located near the LIE. The list includes over 10 previous TND locations. Here is the link, check it out.

As for La Casa, what can I say, solid Italian food, free bread and we pushed close to double digits (9). Till next week when Sang selects his post Bday TND.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The House

La Casa is the choice for tomorrow's TND. Fine Italian food AND a pasta night, BAM. IT is located on the corner of 25 and 83 (thats middle country road and north ocean for you non route knowing pp).
As for last TND, I thoroughly enjoyed the food, although the service and presentation was sub par. The BBQ sauce was good and so was the food. All in all good time. The food was even very good reheated and caused a stir the next day as I ate ribs for lunch and made several pp jealous.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

They ain't just ribs

Great combo meal selection which I am sure Tony will post about.

What I wanted to say is that The Spare Rib is our 36th consecutive TND, which means we have been doing this for 69% of a year (its really 69.231% but when rounded off it's funnier).

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Back to Bbq-asics

This weeks pick will celebrate the devouring of meat. I have seen commercials for this restaurant for years but I do not know of anyone who has ever been there. So this weeks TND is The Spare Rib. It is located at 2098 Jericho Turnpike Commack, NY 11725.

Here is a link to their website:

We have some people coming back from college and we have already enjoyed the return of Ravi. Who else is in?

See ya there!
-Tuesday Night Dinner

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Here is a pic from a few weeks ago at Dan's pick that i found on my camera. Chach seems pretty into the meal.

My Big Fat Greek Pick

All of my picks so far have been mexican or latin places which i adore however, not everyone does and so i'm moving along to another favorite food of mine...greek. There are a bunch of good greek places that i like but they are all way too small to fit us. I've been past this place a bunch of times and have heard that we can all sit down in it so my pick is the Acropolis on Smithtown Blvd. by the Smithtown library and the Sundried Tomato. I'm not putting a google map cause if you don't know where this place is, frankly you shouldn't be eating with us at this point in the game. See you then.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

O sole mio.. the tale of

Would I go back to that restaurant yes.

The bread on the table was delicious, coming in many varieties.

The service on the water was veeeery spotty.

Potion sizes were adequate but not the overbearing size that you normally receive at Italian restaurants.

Did my left over gnocchi suffice for lunch the next day at work? yes.

O sole mio enjoy my one thumbs up.

I am obviously terribly bored right now.

Agunzo is up next for her pick.. I hope we find out befoooooore Tuesday!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

O Sole Mio

Tonights TND will be held at 6:45 at O Sole Mio, the pick belonging to Keith. Here is there website, there is a map on the website.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Seeing as there is no kids menu or hamburgers, some may want to check out the menu before hand...sorry Tony, no prices are listed.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Pick o da Week

Mr. Daniel Ling has chosen the Japanese restaurant, Takara

Takara is located at 1708 Veterans Memorial Highway in Islandia
(In the Islandia Shopping Plaza)

Before anyone can bitch about the pick or sushi Dan made sure to include that:
methudman6: anyone who doesnt like sushi can enjoy really good teryaki

Teryaki for me! what about you?

See you there,

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This goddamn site, I can't ever remember my password, I'm not sure why though, its pretty much the same as all my other ones. Anyway, i had a point here...Ah, thats right, we should go back to the Irish Coffee House...just a suggestion, take it or leave it. Furthermore, when is someone going to pick Wendy's or IHOP. Alright vaginas I just ate TBell and by my watch it has been in me for 7 minutes, so i only have about 3 left before I should make my way toward the bathroom.

9 commas, if you were counting...10 now.

P.S. I will never spell check anything that goes on this blog, it is beneath me...11

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Chinese Buffet

I enjoyed the extensive dessert choices at the chinese buffet. However, there was no garden made out of crystal.. but they did have chicken balls...

Cyrstal Gardens

Tonite Elizabeth Rivalsi has selected Cyrstal Gardens on portion road in the shopping center with Checkers and meat farms.

Monday, April 23, 2007

OK corrections

We reeeeeeeally need to work on keeping this blog up to date for our many loyal and hungry fans.

Let is be known that the TND of April the 10th was in fact actually at Friendly's on 347. It turned out to be a bi week pick (meaning no one officially picked it) because of the fact that most TNDers were off to Las Vegas the following day. The waitress did not give us free icecream.. even asking many times.

Special side note: Del Taco located on the strip in Las Vegas is not nearly as delicious as Taco Bell. However if you would still like to try some of their hot sauce packets let me know cause I smuggled a bunch back to LI.

Let it be further known that the TND of April the 17th WAS held at Meson Ole! on Middle Country road. It was pretty good. A lot of choices, verging on too many choices I feel. I have not eaten the left overs I brought home and should probably throw them out by now.

Sorry for the lack of updates!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Tonights TND will be at Meson Ole on Middle Country Road. Map is here. The pick was made by Chach.

Monday, April 02, 2007


I have nothing clever to add to this thing so I'll get right to business. I shall be choosing Sundried Tomato for this week's dinner. It is a lovely little Italian restaurant in Smithtown with fantastic rigatoni alla vodka.

No maps, just words..
Pretty simple to get to. Just take portion west until its called smithtown blvd, you know, like by my house (or exit 58 and make a left onto it from old Nichols). It is in Nesconset plaza next to the Nesconset Library. If anyone is too afraid feel free to come to my house first and follow me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ben Ben Ben Ben Bennigan's

Ladies and Gents, time for TND and time for some godd wholesome Bennigan's fun. I am excited becuase this may be one of the last big chain resutaunts we go to. Here is a map of where it is located. See you there.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Hi Friends

I missed TND! I was so hyped when i read the blog too cause i was like mannn this place is right by my house and i totally wanted a white slice. But instead i was home on a sick day laying around being ill. I thought i would share with you all my personal TND.

3 Advil
875 mg Augmentin
1 medium pina colada/crystal light slurpee
1/2 leftover St. Joseph's Day pastry

See you homos next week.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Back to Italian

Dearest TNDers,
It is time for me to announce my pick for this weeks upcoming TND. I will be choosing Cafe Amici. Amici of course meaning friends, and we all are friends, and Cafe of course meaning cafe... which if you mix around the letters can spell face... which we all have. So as you can see this is the perfect restaurant for us.

The restaurant is on middle country road in Selden... I forget what is in the shopping center but if youre heading east its the one before the one with Bobs and the old RadioShack where I used to work. I know we all made fun of Danielle for not putting in a link... but I am not that good at it either I guess.... so suck it.

I know that there is a huggge pasta combo special... so if you feel like challenging yourself and wowing the rest of us, and having a heart attack, I recommend you prepare yourself now.

Be well, eat well,
-Mr. L

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The OFFICIAL half year TND

Danielle's choice was excellent. I was pleased by the turn out, the delicious beer, and the copious amounts of water.

Here's to another wonderful 26 dinners!


PS: Thanks to the spring breaking Sammys that showed up- Mills and Oill

Monday, March 12, 2007

Awwww Pictures!!!!

Ok i think i figured out the whole picture posting deal. This is the happy family at cricket's. Along with Keith finally eating his entire meal.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ima So Spicy

Ok friends. As announced last Tuesday, my pick for this Tuesday shall be Pollo Rico on Middle Country Road. Now, I attempted to be all fancy and find a map and directions and stuff but in all honesty, I am lazy and didn't try all that hard and this post will remain mapless.

This is a new place but I heard that it was really good from a co-worker so it will be fun.

Basically to get there pretend you are leaving the mall on middle country and head east. this place is on your left hand side right around where the bridal suite is and stuff....i think this was actually the old lo monico's resturant.

so be there at 7 and it will be fun as always.

also, i have pictures on my camera from past TND's...again...i can't/don't want to figure out how to load them anywhere...any volunteers?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Half a year, all the food

Tonite TND turns half a year and does it at.....Cricket's on main street in Sayville. Here is the map. As always between 6:45 and 7pm. Be there or be rectangle.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Wings & Breasts

Ladies and gents prepare yourself for a memorable Tuesday Night Dinner as we stuff our faces with the two things we all love most; for my pick this week is none other than hOOters. It is located between on the north service road between exits 58 & 59, cya there!

Monday, February 19, 2007

TND Asian style

A historic and somber TND will be held tomorrow night at The New Grand Buffet next to Dave and Busters in islandia. It is the first purely buffet style dining experience so I for one am very excited. It is a somber occasion since founding members David Lamagna and Kieth "no relation to the big red dog" Clifford will not be joining us. They are drunkly cruising around somewhere and will enjoy there own TND experience. I will text them and make sure they find an eggroll or something so that they can say that they enjoyed TND by proxy. BTW's the pick belongedto Miss Elizabeth Rivalsi.

As for last week meal I give the wings a solid A- and the salad a B- becasue fo small portion size.

P.S. Un TND related but I apologize in advance for the thousands of times in the next few months that I sing "Heeeeeeeey Hey baby I want to knooooohhhoow will you be my girl." Consider your selves warned.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tonight's TND

Tonight we will meet at Houlihan's next to the mall at 6:45 pm....The pick belongs to Chach,, Be there, Be square.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Hey Asses-
Since my politcal affiliation by defination states that I love America more than anyone else in the group, I will continue my theme of large chain resturants with shit on the walls. As such, we will be going to Fridays at the Mall this Tuesday. I will reccomend anything with their Jack Daniels sauce, its basically maple syrup with a manly name. Futhermore, I anticipate problems with the menu, as it is large and includes many varities of meat and or chicken dishes. I for one will be considering their price fix option because if they have commericals for it, it has to be worth it.

in the spirit of the past super bowl I'd like to set some odds:

2:1 - Liz gets an appetizer for dinner
3:1 - Tony gets something without bacon
10:1 - Dave does not get BBQ sauce
2:3 - I have to shit before the check comes
Even Money - Liz and Agunzo are late
100:1 - Ravi shows up
8:1 - Keith enjoys his meal

Any takers?

Monday, January 29, 2007

TND turns the big 20!

My pick this week for TND is SMOKEY BONES. Its got BBQ, beer buckets and more BBQ. It is on the south service road (so you are going east) inbetween exits 60 and 61.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Check It

My pick for TND this week will be the Long Island Grill on portion road. I think they have commercials so its gotta be good.

6:30pm and all are welcome, there will also be the return of Keith.

Last week's dinner was awesome, El Dorado has a lot to choose from. There was only 5 of us (Tony, Sang, Agunzo, Liz and myself), it was a nice break from our recent 10+ outtings.

There is a new BBQ joint in Northport that one of my students recommended, but I feel like that might be too far for everyone... but maybe in the future.

Also here is a list of the date/location of every TND, along with who chose that location.

Mr. L

9/19 Famous Dave’s BBQ- Dave
9/26 John Harvards- Josh

10/3 J&R’s Steakhouse- Tony
10/10 Good Steer- Tim/Keith
10/17 Ruby Tuesday’s- Sang
10/24 Baja Grill- Agunzo
10/31 Outback Steakhouse- Dan Ling

11/7 Boulder Creek- Dave
11/14 Chili’s- Josh
11/21 Brancinellis- Tony
11/28 Cheesecake Factory- Sang

12/5 Dave and Busters- Chachi
12/12 Charlie Browns- Bi Week
12/19 La Strada- Ravi
12/26 Irish Coffee Pub- Merry/Colleen

1/2 Bertucci's Oven Brick Ristorante- Liz
1/9 Gasho’s- Keith
1/16 El Dorado- Danielle
1/23 LI Grill- Dave

Monday, January 15, 2007

D-Block's # 2 pick

Ok friends

i was informed that i was picking for tomorrow. i want to do greek but all the places i know aren't big enough to fit a large table. so in the future think about a greek place and make it someone's pick. for tomorrow i will stay with my mexican theme of the baja like last time and pick el dorado . its on middle country over across from walmart on the corner in that shopping center. id put a little google earth link like all you boys do but i dont work well with the google earth.

so see you there!